

"The body mirrors the mind and soul, and is more accessible than either. If you become proficient at listening to your body, you will eventually hear from your whole self." Unknown

What is Reiki?

Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by trained Reiki health practitioners to balance life force energy. When applied correctly this technique can provide the following health benefits:

Benefits of Reiki

• Reiki will help you reintegrate mind, body and spirit in a healthy, non-invasive way
• Restores the natural energy balance in the body
• Provides deep relaxation, evoking a sense of peace and well-being by relaxing the central nervous system
• Reiki can be used as an adjunct to other healing modalities, such as allopathic and naturopathic medicine
• Reiki is used in pain and stress management
• It is most effective when you become a willing participant in your own healing process
• Promotes deep sleep
• Provides clarity, vitality and tranquility
• Great way to start a vacation relaxed from the very first day

Contact your Reiki Health Practioner at (403) 707-9495 or (416) 729-1560, to set up an appointment.
Long distance sessions available.

What You Need to Do

• Wear comfortable clothing
• Relax

How is the session performed

• The Client lays on a massage table fully clothed
• A blanket will be used to cover the client if desired
• Soft, relaxing music will be played
• The Reiki Health Practitioner will place their hands at various parts of the Client’s body
• The session will last approximately an hour